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Group leader wearing purple engages a diverse group of participants seated in a circle on a carpeted floor
Smiling ABA Professional in colorful child-friendly room with child playing. Blue furniture, storage cubbies, and soft elements create inviting space
Cheerful therapist interacts with child in colorful room. Balloon wall decals, diverse children, and nutritious snacks create welcoming atmosphere

Our Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Therapy professionals are dedicated to helping grow the independence and social skills of your child!

If your child aged 5 and under regularly experiences tantrum behaviors or struggles with social cues and expectations, they would benefit from ABA!

One of the most important factors of ABA therapy is consistency, which also helps with generalization of skills across all environments and those individuals your child interacts with. Children who attend ABA may also benefit from Occupational and Speech Therapy.

ABA Helps Build & Overcome:

Communication skills

• Increased Use of Language
• Taking Turns or Requesting Help in Conversation
• Requesting & Demanding

Behavioral Challenges

• Decreased Tantrum Behaviors, Elopement, Aggression, and Self-Injuring Behaviors (SIB)
• Increased Flexibility
• Self Soothing

Socialization skills

• Waiting for Turns
• Sharing and Reciprocal Play with Other Kids
• Parallel & Pretend Play
• Greeting and Increasing Eye Contact

Daily living skills

• Dressing
• Toilet Training
• Hand Washing
• Using Utensils (Fork + Spoon) with Eating
• Cleaning Up Toys

Our Frequently Asked ABA Therapy Questions

We serve children from age groups 2-5 year olds that qualify for insurance funded Applied Behavior Analysis services or out of pocket pay, which you can learn more about on our Fees & Insurance page.

The ultimate goal of ABA is to establish and enhance socially important behaviors. These behaviors can include academic, social, communication, and daily living skills; essentially any skill that will enhance the independence and/or quality of life for the individual and their family.

There are many benefits of ABA therapy for the individual receiving services and their families. These benefits include, improved communication skills, social skills, daily living skills, reduced maladaptive behaviors, and better quality of life for children and their families.

Families play a crucial role in supporting a child’s learning and development. ABA will not only help your child learn but it will also teach you ways to support your child’s development by giving you the tools and skills necessary to promote and reinforce your child’s use of new skills.

Once your child is referred to PLTA to receive ABA therapy services, we will contact your family within 48 hours to schedule a virtual consultation. During the consultation, one of our BCBAs will seek to learn more about your child by asking questions about their strengths, communication skills, social/play skills, behaviors, and daily living skills.

We will ask some additional background questions on previous or current services received and provide an overview of ABA and what services look like at PLTA. Additionally, we will discuss the treatment plans we typically offer and provide information regarding commitment to hours, family training/ participation commitment, and other information pertaining to the child’s treatment. Lastly, we will discuss the assessment process.

If your child is going to begin services with PLTA, first we work with your insurance for permission to start an assessment, then we will schedule one to two direct observation meetings: an initial assessment appointment and a treatment plan review meeting. Once the assessment is complete, the report will offer goals and recommendations for your child’s ABA therapy program and will allow the ABA team to develop a robust and personalized plan for your child.

Once the treatment plan authorization is approved by your insurance, we will contact you to schedule our initial meeting. During the initial meeting, you will review PLTA’s policies and procedures and the initial assessment report and schedule all ongoing therapy.

Parents will come into the center and sign their child in the front office. Once the child is signed in, their RBT will be present to take the client into the ABA classroom. Once in the classroom the child will participate in activities like circle time, arts and crafts, sensory gym, 1:1 break outs, and snack/lunch. Throughout all of the daily activities, the treatment team is addressing the goals that were written during the assessment and collecting data.

When the session is over, families are expected to come in the office and sign the client out. The RBT will bring the client to the front of the office to wait for family.

Our ABA Therapy Team

Director of ABA Therapy

Gabriela is a Board-Certified Behavior Analyst at PLTA. She grew up in the Bay Area and received her BA in Political Science and Chicana/o Studies from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).

Working as an RBT after her undergrad was Gabriela’s introduction to the field of Autism and ignited her desired to work with children with developmental disabilities.

Gabriela went on to earn her master’s in Education with an emphasis on Applied Behavior Analysis from the University of Arizona (ASU). She has gained 6 years of experience working with children with developmental disabilities and has worked in various settings (i.e., home, school, center/clinic).

Her primary clinical passion includes early intervention, shaping/mentoring future clinicians, and guiding/empowering families. In her spare time, Gabriela enjoys working out, traveling around the world, reading, and eating out at new restaurants.


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